
Information about flipcharts

Usually flip charts are actually enhanced whiteboards (see information) – i.e. magnetic, white writing surfaces that can be written on and then dry-erased afterwards. However, flip charts also have an additional device on the upper side of the writing surface that makes it possible to attach a writing pad, which is understandably referred to as a flip chart paper pad. This means the magnetic whiteboard can also serve as the substrate for a writing pad that can be flipped to new pages as desired.

One basic advantage that writing on a pad has over a conventional whiteboard is that you do not have to erase everything when the board is full in order to write some more. Previous writing is simply folded over towards the back or torn off or presented in a parallel manner and stored. A flip chart of this kind is much more versatile than a standard whiteboard because you can write on its white surface and attach magnets to it while at the same time having the less transient option of writing on actual paper.

Most flip charts are sold as head-high or sometimes height adjustable, rollable or stationary stands. In addition, there are attachments for whiteboards that are mounted on a wall that transform them into flip chart substrates (we do not carry them yet). There are also articles sold under the name flip chart or meeting chart that can be used for table presentations without the need for a mount (frame) or whiteboard. With these products the cover or the packaging can be turned into a stand by being turned toward the rear whereby the writing surface or the graphics and pictures that are to be presented will be vertical in orientation and thereby capable of being seen by a larger group of people.